Francesco Saverio De Ponte


Prof. Francesco Saverio De Ponte, born in Roccarainola, Naples, in 15/08/1958. Achieved Dentistry and Dental Prothesis Degreee and Medicine and Surgery Degree at the University of Rome “La Sapienza“ between 1984 and 1999 and obtained Maxillo Facial Surgery Specialization afterwards at University of Rome “La Sapienza“. Possess wide-ranging experience on craniofacial deformities, traumatology and oncology of the head and neck district and has attended more than 1500 surgeries of the mentioned areas of expertise. Currently Full Professor of Maxillo-Facial Surgery and Director of the Specialization School of Maxillo-Facial Surgery at the University of Messina, Director of the Maxillo-Facial Surgery unit at the University Hospital “G. Martino” of Messina. Author of more than 130 researches on national and international journals and speaker on several national and international congresses. Active member of Società Italiana di Chirurgia Maxillo Facciale (SICMF) and Italian Councillor for the European Association of Cranio Maxillo Facial Surgery (EACMFS).

Conference Location


130 Tabriz Street, AZ1008
Baku, Azerbaijan



(+994) 55 274 22 22

(+994) 50 888 08 80