Oral Presentation Guidelines


1.    Presentation should be in Azerbaijanni or English.

2.    You must be knowledgeable in your subject and in answering questions during your presentation.

3.    Presenters are advised to have copies of their presentation available as handouts. This is not mandatory, just an option for the presenter, to increase the impact of the presentation

4.    Presenter for AzOMFS 2023 have 8 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for the discussion.



1.    All slide presentation should be written only in English.

2.    All presentations will be collected by the committee. The presenters are not allowed to use their personal device(s) during the presentation. Thus, each presenter should save the PowerPoint file on a USB drive and submit it to the appointed coordinator in the slide room at the venue at least 2 (two) hours prior to the presentation.

3.    When building your presentation, make sure that you include any external files utilized in the same folder as your presentation (i.e., movie files).

4.    Slides should be represented in widescreen aspect ration (16:9). 



1.    JPG images are the preferred file format for inserted images.

2.    Images inserted into PowerPoint are embedded into the presentation. Images that are created at a setting higher than 75 dpi are not necessary and will only increase the size of your presentation.

3.    Try to avoid overloading your presentation with unnecessary images.



1.    We can supply only fonts that are included in the base installation of

2.    The fonts we suggest using are Times New Roman, Arial, and Any font other than these will need to be embedded into your PowerPoint presentation. Use of fonts not included in Windows can lead to words that bleed into graphics or bullets which may be the wrong style.

Conference Location


130 Tabriz Street, AZ1008
Baku, Azerbaijan



(+994) 55 274 22 22

(+994) 50 888 08 80

