Edgar Biemer


After specializing in General Surgery I started my carrier 1972 in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and also in Handsurgery.In 1975 I opened the first replantation center in Europe with 24 hour service.Since that time Microsurgery was my main interest.In 1984 I became the head of the Plastic Surgery departement at the Klinikum rechts der Isar of the Technical University in Munich. 

I am a founding member of the „ International Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery“ and his sectretary 1981 till 1985 and  his president in  1991.

International I gave courses in microsurgery all over the world. I was president of our national societies and the founding president of the „ German Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery“

I am honorary member of 17 societies national as international. I got many national as international awards like the „ Deutsches Verdienstkreuz“ of t he German goverment and the honoury professorship ofthe medical university of Tajikistan.

In 2007  i had to retire from university to due age and started a privat office till 2020.

Bevor I retired from university I did with my team the worldwide first double arm transplanation. The patient is still doing very well.

After this I was awarded as „ Emeritus of excellence“ of the Munich University.

I am still travelling and operating with my son who is also Plastic Surgeon.

Since 1997 I was very often in Aserbayjan and I am proud to have friends in this country.

Univ.Prof. Dr.med. Dr.habil. Dr.h.c. Prof.h.c.

                   Edgar Biemer, FRCS

            Emeritus of excellence TUM

Conference Location


130 Tabriz Street, AZ1008
Baku, Azerbaijan



(+994) 55 274 22 22

(+994) 50 888 08 80

