Umar Tairov


1966 – 1971: Dental Faculty of Odessa Medical Institute. Ukraine.

1976 entered into clinical residency in Central Research Institute of stomatology in Moscow.

1977 is the graduate student of Central Research Institute of stomatology in Moscow. 

In 1980 defended Candidate dissertation on the subject «Surgical treatment of patients with micrognathia and retrognathia of maxilla and combined deformation of jaws»

In 1989 defended doctoral dissertation on the subject “The experimental-clinical basis of new approach introducing the patients with deformation of middle part of the facial skeleton”. 

Published more than 200 scientific works, author of 15 inventions (patent), of them are cured by State Committee of Inventions of USSR.

Jan, 1993 – Jan, 2014: Director of Republican Scientific Clinic Center “Stomatlogy” (currently Scientific-Clinical institute of Stomatogy and maxilla-facial surgery)

Jan, 2014 – until now: Scientific Head of Scientific-Clinical institute of Stomatogy and maxilla-facial surgery

September 1983 - 2006: Head of Chair of children’s stomatology (Tajik Medical University).     

First in the world through experiments on animals evidenced that flat bones of facial skull have good regeneration abilities, though there is an opinion in biology and medicine that skull bones don’t regenerate.

Awarded by order “Glory” and Honorary Title “Honored man of Science and Technology of Republic of Tajikistan”

Conference Location


130 Tabriz Street, AZ1008
Baku, Azerbaijan



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