Emre Benlidayi


Prof.Dr.Benlidayı graduated from Çukurova University Faculty of Dentistry in 2001. He completed his doctorate and specialization training in the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department of the same faculty in 2008. He visited London King's College Hospital Maxillofacial Surgery Department in 2006 and Salzburg Paracelsus Medical University Maxillofacial Surgery Department in 2014 and engaged in clinical and academic activities.

He undertook the task of course director at the Çukurova Orthognatic Surgery Days and Cadaver Course, which was held for the first time in 2016 and for the second time in 2018 in Türkiye.

Prof.Dr.M.Emre BENLIDAYI worked as the Head of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at Çukurova University Faculty of Dentistry between 2014 and 2017. In 2019, he was elected as a board member of the Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

Prof.Dr.M.Emre BENLIDAYI, who received the title of Associate Professor in 2013 and the title of Professor in 2019, has more than 60 articles published in national and international journals, and more than 200 posters/oral papers presented in national and international congresses. More than 900 references have been made to Dr. Benlidayı's publications to date.

He has clinical and experimental projects supported by TÜBİTAK, Dentsply, ITI, TFI and Çukurova University Scientific Research Projects Unit.

Prof.Dr.M.Emre BENLIDAYI, who is still a faculty member at Çukurova University Faculty of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, is interested in orthognathic surgery, advanced implant surgery, cleft lip and palate surgery and hard tissue laboratory research.

Conference Location


130 Tabriz Street, AZ1008
Baku, Azerbaijan



(+994) 55 274 22 22

(+994) 50 888 08 80

